Five Office Feng Shui Tips

Feng shui is a great way to increase productivity and satisfaction in the office. Incorporate the practice today with our five office feng shui tips.

What is The Best Type of Lighting for Office Productivity?

The lighting in your office can have a huge effect on employee creativity and productivity.  This can be intuitively experienced by simply spending some time in bright sunshine and seeing how it affects your energy levels and mood.  Compare that to time spent in a dark, dreary basement and it’s easy to see how important […]

Office Design Trends for 2021

2021 Office Design Trends

To say that 2020 was a unique year for the office is a massive understatement.  But the office still survives, even if that means it’s currently thriving more at home than it is in the downtown sector.  But that doesn’t mean we should forget about the workplace.  A healthy, inviting and flexible workspace has become […]